You are right if you ask why is minimalism good. This is a very valid question because minimalism promotes getting rid of many things. Before you use this system to improve your life, you should know what it is and why it works.
Minimalism is a tool for simplifying your life to improve its quality. It promotes removing anything from your life that doesn't add value. When applied to material things, it promotes getting rid of any possession which you don't use. It also means that you don't get a new possession unless you need it and you don't have a substitute. This is because useless possessions give you no benefit. In fact, they waste your space, time, and other resources.
So, here are some reasons why minimalism is good:
You will have more space in your home
When you switch to minimalism, one of the big steps is decluttering your home. By decluttering your home, you will open up more space in your home. You will find it easier to move around in your home. What seemed overcrowded will now be spacious. It will be easier to find places to put things.
Your home will be easier to keep tidy
To understand this, you must understand how clutter affects the space in a room. Every room has a finite amount of space. Some of that space is necessary for the furniture and other items to make that room function well. Also, people use some of the remaining space to move around and use the items in the room.
If clutter continues to accumulate in the room, over time it will overwhelm these spaces. After that, the room will no longer function well because there is not enough space to go around. Clutter will pile up on most if not all horizontal surfaces. It will be almost impossible to keep tidy and no amount of rearrangement will fix it.
The only solution is to remove things from the room. When you do that, the room will become much easier to keep tidy. What was once a near-impossible task will become easy. The reason is that you now have enough space for everything in the room. There is little wonder that minimalism will make your home easier to keep tidy.
Your home will look and function better
A place that is easy to keep tidy will look much better than one that is impossible to keep tidy. This is because tidiness is an important part of good decor. The reason is that clutter clashes with everything including itself. There is no such thing as a beautiful pigsty.
Also, minimalism will improve the function of your home. This is because the rooms will have ample space to fulfill their functions. You will be able to move around without bumping into things. Also, clutter won't pile up on horizontal surfaces. The garage will be more useful too. There will be no need to park the expensive car on the street to make room for the useless stuff in the garage.
You will get more use out of your things
Many people consider some of their material possessions as being "too good to use". These include people who are afraid to use the good chinaware or the good silverware. Considering something "too good to use" would make it useless. This goes against the principles of minimalism. A minimalist will use the good silverware to eat off the good chinaware. Also, the minimalist is likely to only have the good silverware and the good chinaware. This is one way that minimalism makes you get more use out of your things. The point here is that minimalism is not about deprivation, but about utility.
You will have more time
When your home is easier to keep tidy, it will save time. You will also waste less time looking for misplaced things. You will spend less time tending to things. Also, you will learn to say no to unnecessary commitments that don't interest you. The result is that you will have more time for what you enjoy.
You will have more money
An important part of minimalism is to not buy things that you don't need. This means that you don't do frivolous spending. It also means that you don't buy overpriced merchandise to show off status. This is especially true when a cheaper model offers the same or better quality.
You will have no use for paid storage. Paid storage is a major waste of money. Many people who use it, pay to not look at their pictures and not use their things. By wasting less money, you will have more money left over to do the things that you enjoy.
It is better for the environment
When you start your minimalism journey, it's easy to think that it's bad for the environment. After all, there are some things that you will need to throw away. But as you buy less over time, you will also be discarding less. Also, you will become more selective when you buy. You will buy things that are more durable and you will take better care of them. This will also result in you throwing away fewer things. This will be better for the environment.
You will get better at making decisions
An important part of minimalism is only buying something if you need to. This means buying it only if it meets 2 conditions:
1. You need it for a particular function.
2. You don't already have a viable substitute.
When you do this, you will be practicing decision-making regularly. For starters, you will be deciding if you need that particular function fulfilled. You will then decide if you should use what you have or get something new. You will also decide if you need to discard anything to favor something new. All this practice at making decisions will make you better at it. This improved skill will serve other areas of your life.
You will have less stress
With everything equal, having more money will make your life less stressful. Also, having more time will make your life less stressful. These two factors combine to equal less stress. But that is not all because clutter increases stress. By reducing clutter, minimalism will reduce another source of stress. Minimalism will also encourage you to reduce unnecessary commitments. Doing this will also take away the stress associated with these. It is no surprise that minimalism reduces stress in many ways.
You will be more content
In the beginning stages of minimalism, you will realize that you have too many things. You will also realize that many of them are useless. In fact, this is why you are getting rid of them. Over time, you will come to realize that you have all the things that you need to be happy. If something needs replacing, you replace it. After that, you will again have all the material things that you need. Here are the two crucial revelations:
1. You already have all the material things you need.
2. In the past, you had too many.
Realizing you have all the material things you need can bring great satisfaction. If you are not satisfied, then you know that your needs are not for material things. In either case, you will lose the craving for material things. This is because you have already satisfied that need.
You will be more secure
Once you meet your material needs, any extras will not make you happier. When you realize this, status symbols lose their meaning. You will have no need to keep up with the Joneses. You will know that the need to flash status symbols is a type of insecurity. People who do this spend a lot of time worrying about what others think of them. If you see someone in an expensive car, you will feel neither envy nor pity. A car is a car and nothing more to you. You will see that the value of a person is not determined by material possessions. You can be secure in the knowledge that being a good person adds more value than any possession. To a minimalist, this is liberating and reassuring.
You will have more clarity about your needs
When you know you have everything you need, it is an awakening. You will want something only if it supports some activity that brings you joy or meaning. Even then, it the activity that is making you happy. The material possession is only there to support the activity, and only if you actually use it. You will understand that the material possession by itself will not make you happy.
If you feel empty, then you know that material possessions won't fill the emptiness. This will be an eye-opener and a reckoning. It will become clear that you will need to fulfill your emotional needs to be happy. Fulfilling your emotional needs takes intangible things such as the following:
Time spent with people who you enjoy being around
Time spent doing and experiencing things that you enjoy
Doing things that make you feel better about yourself
Experiencing moments of tranquility and relaxation
You will notice that time is something that you need to experience these things. This will clarify your needs and help you to set your priorities. This is one of the life-changing benefits of minimalism.
Time well spent
You will have a more fulfilling life
Once you understand what it takes to live a happy and fulfilling life, it will change your priorities. You will start spending more time with the people you love and care about. You will make time for the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. You will do good things for yourself and for others. This will make you feel better about yourself. You will also take time to "stop and smell the roses". The result is that minimalism over the long term will lead to a more fulfilling life.
In summary, minimalism is a useful system for improving your life on many levels. In short, here are some of the reasons why minimalism is good:
You will have more space in your home.
Your home will be easier to keep tidy.
Your home will look and function better.
You will get more use out of your things.
You will have more time.
You will have more money.
It is better for the environment.
You will get better at making decisions.
You will have less stress.
You will be more content.
You will be more secure.
You will have more clarity about your needs.
You will have a more fulfilling life.
With these many benefits, it's clear that minimalism can improve the quality of your life in many ways. You can give minimalism a try and see if you like it.