Many people have preconceived notions about how to meditate. These often include restrictions on how you position your body. It gives many people the false impression that meditation is not for them. By explaining how to meditate, the hope is to clear up some of these misconceptions. So, here are some of the best practices… Continue reading
Should I Follow My Dreams or Be Realistic
The short answer is that you should do both. This is a self-limiting question. It implies that you must choose between following your dreams and being realistic. This premise is wrong because you can do both and you should. Also, it is only a dream if you can follow it. If it is impossible, then… Continue reading
Do Minimalists Have Hobbies
The short answer is yes, most minimalists have hobbies. In fact, minimalism encourages hobbies and other things for your emotional well-being. Now many people see this as a contradiction. This is because there are many myths about minimalism, and they usually give a bad impression. The key to debunking these myths is to understand what… Continue reading
What Is The Philosophy Behind Minimalism
Many of us have heard about minimalism. We also understand that people use it with the intent to improve their lives. But many people are not sure how you can improve your life by getting rid of things. One good way to know how this works is to know two things. The first is to… Continue reading
How to Find Your Purpose in Life
Many people are drifting through life with a feeling of emptiness. One major reason is that their lives lack purpose. Having a purpose can provide direction and add fulfillment to someone’s life. But it can be hard to even define purpose in life. Even if you define it, you still need to figure out your… Continue reading
12 Things You Learn from Decluttering
When you declutter, you soon learn that you get back a lot of space. But as time goes by, you start learning other things. You learn things about yourself, about the important things, and about people. So, here are 12 things you learn from decluttering: 1. Your things can waste your space Each time you… Continue reading
8 Ideas that Seem Minimalist but Are Not
Minimalism is a system that serves as a very useful tool for simplifying your life. But like any other tool, you must use it in the right way if you want a good result. It also helps if you have a good reason why you want that result. Many people condemn minimalism for a variety… Continue reading
How to Cheaply Turn Your Home Into a Sanctuary
Some people go on vacation to escape home. Some people also go on vacation but still love their return to their homes. It is better to be in the latter group. This is because it’s best to have a home that you don’t need to escape from. The ideal home is a sanctuary. One of… Continue reading
How to Create a Meditation Space
Countless people in many cultures practice meditation. This is because meditation is good for your mental well-being. Also, you only need a place to sit to meditate if you are an expert. But if you are a beginner, then it’s a bit harder. Having a good meditation space will make your meditation easier. Also, being… Continue reading
Traits of People Who Don’t Envy
Envy is one of the vilest and ugliest emotions. People often call it the same thing as jealousy, but there is a difference. Jealousy is when you fear someone else taking away what you believe is yours. But envy is resenting others for having what is rightfully theirs and wishing it was yours. Without sugar-coating… Continue reading